Anchoring Purpose

All of my mentors and coaches had told me it would happen, “Someday, you will need to move out of your home office. You’ll know when it’s time.”

I had fought every one of them tooth and nail, “No, I am a wife, a mother, and a caregiver. I want to work from home!” They just smiled, knowingly, like those clever coaches do.

And in March of this year, I knew it was time. I had grown my business for two years out of my home, and it had been perfect…until it wasn’t.

Why can’t I work from home anymore? Why do I feel like I can’t concentrate or produce in the space where I birthed this business?

I knew the answer. The baby had found its legs and was on the run – the business was moving and expanding beyond my capacity to hold it on my own, and I was having too hard a time trying to keep the personal and professional from bleeding together. So, I hired a new coach…and started looking for a space to call True to Intention’s home.

I found a sweet spot at the Glen Ivy Center and set up shop, deciding to give myself a few weeks to adjust emotionally before I shared my decision with my grandmother and moved all of my furniture in. I knew it would be hard on her, and the moment she reached for her walker, I was grateful I had taken that time for myself.

I took a deep breath and braced myself for the conversation I had practiced for three weeks.  But even with three weeks to work through the emotions and chatter, I felt myself begin to buckle. Am I doing the right thing?


Three hours later, the furniture was on its way to the new location, and I had made a stop on my way to the office. I had put the event on my calendar two weeks before, not realizing this was The Wind’s way of answering the question that still stirred.

I stood in the back of the room, tears streaming down my face, as I watched one of my dear friends (and clients) stand in her power and tell her story of coming back to herself. Susan’s “Me Being Me” collection of paintings danced on the walls as she shared the story of attending one of my retreats last year and doing “a silly little painting exercise.”

The painting exercise had been completely inspired only one day before the retreat, and I remember arguing with The Wind about it. It’s a book retreat. Why am I going to ask them to paint? And WHAT am I going to have them paint? The rest of the inspiration for the exercise came through the morning of the retreat, and I was AMAZED by what the exercise revealed and opened up for the participants…and for me as a coach.

Even then, I had no idea that there was an even Higher Intention at work. The Wind was opening a door for Susan to realize what it meant for her to be “Me Being Me” again. She had no idea that she had been given a gift. No training, no conscious intention – just a set of brushes and colors and some time away from her day-to-day routine…

I held back the tears as I wandered around the house, mesmerized by her talent, thrilled to see people purchasing her beautiful paintings, and overwhelmed that The Wind had allowed me to be part of this journey…

“Yes, Amanda. You are doing the right thing.
Look at what I am accomplishing through you.
Give the business the room it needs to grow,
so that We can help others discover and
become true to their intention.”


It never fails. Every time I question my path, every time I reach the end of my own understanding, The Wind gives me another anchor. I witness the transformation in my clients as they share during our coaching calls, or one of them will randomly call me up to celebrate a breakthrough. They had no idea that I was questioning everything again, but The Wind knew exactly what I needed.

I believe The Wind does this for all of us, but many are not aware that this is what is happening. People show up and thank us for the advice, the prayer, the support we shared so willingly. It’s The Wind’s way of saying, “Well done. Look at the impact We have when you decide to be the change. Keep going, Child of Mine. There are more waiting for you to step up and say YES to more growth.”

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