
Dear Aspiring or Struggling Messenger,

I know that choosing a guide can be very intimidating and scary.

If you’ve been working on your project (or even just thinking about it) for a long time, you probably feel a little uncertain about the whole process:

Who should you trust with ideas and inspiration, or all of the hard work you’ve already put into it?

Will they see the value? Will they understand your true intention?

Can they help you make sure it’s powerful and ready for your publishers or readers?

This is exactly WHY I do what I do!

If your heart is prompting, reach out.

If we are a good fit, great!

If we’re not, I will do our best to connect you with someone who can help you with your particular needs.

Please feel free to contact me with questions. I look forward to connecting with you!

To Your True Intention, 





8152 SW Hall Blvd. #221
BeavertonOR 97008

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