WSDD sign up page

Please review contracts (below) prior to signing up.

Write Side Down Days


2 Days/Month : $67.00 USD – monthly
1 Day/Month : $47.00 USD – monthly

By signing up for Write Side Down Days, I am entering this contract with True to Intention (both, collectively, the “Parties” and each a “Party”). In consideration of my (MessagePreneurt) desire to take part in the Program, and True to Intention’s desire to have me (MessagePreneur) take part in the Write Side Down Days Program, the Parties agree to the following:

Program Details & Investment

The details and deliverables of the Program are contained on the corresponding page of the website: Write Side Down Days.

Preview of True to Intention Process & Commitment

The work that occurs on Write Side Down Days is transformational and sacred, as well as productive, and Amanda’s role as a facilitator is to provide you with individual, group, and one-on-one experiences that will help you identify and rewrite the stories that are sabotaging your dreams, and continue making progress toward your goals. Amanda’s commitment is to create and hold the space for you to see what is already inside of you – to see the value of what you have to give – and to facilitate a road map for getting where you are already being led to go.

General Release of Liability

MessagePreneur’s participation in the Program is at MessagePreneur’s own risk. MessagePreneur agrees to waive and release any and all claims against True to Intention, its owners, agents, faculty, or employees, for liability arising out of MessagePreneur’s participation in the Program.

That said, True to Intention is committed to producing experiences, products, and results that are in alignment with its ownextremely high standards of quality.


Intellectual Property Liability Release, Indemnification

True to Intention is delighted to facilitate the collaborative experience and sharing of ideas, insights, materials, curriculum, and resources among the MessagePreneur and MessagePreneur’s team involved in the Program. Key components of the Program may include the MessagePreneur sharing their intellectual property with True to Intention verbally, materially, and through electronic means. By voluntarily participating in the Program, MessagePreneur specifically agrees, as a component of the general release contained in this contract, to waive and release True to Intention from any liability related to or arising out of the misuse or misappropriation of MessagePreneur’s intellectual property. Further, Author agrees to indemnify True to Intention against all liability, losses, fines, or judgment, including costs, attorney’s fees, and other expenses, for intellectual property claims rising out of or in connection with True to Intention team members.

True to Intention only hires/contracts with people of great moral character and high integrity and has never experienced anything like this before, but we must all be prepared in any case.

Proprietary Materials

True to Intention is delighted to provide the MessagePreneur with the use of True to Intention’s curriculum, materials, resources, and templates (collectively, “Materials”) in order to facilitate the development and completion of the MessagePreneur’s experience/projects. By signing this contract and voluntarily participating in the Write Side Down Days, MessagePreneur agrees:

All Materials, and the concepts, strategies, and the information contained therein, presented during the course of the Program, verbally, in writing, or by some other means, are the property of True to Intention and are protected by copyright or other similar law. MessagePreneur further agrees that any Materials presented during the course of the Program are intended solely for one-time use in the Program. While MessagePreneur is welcome to benefit from the Materials personally and to express and share about those benefits in all aspects of the MessagePreneur’s life, the MessagePreneur agrees not to reproduce, copy, or otherwise duplicate, or distribute, lend, verbally share, sell, or otherwise make public or transfer any of these Materials without the express written permission of True to Intention. This prohibition on making public or transfer the Materials extends to any attempt to modify and sell, or repackage and sell the Materials.

True to Intention reserves all rights to the Program and its Materials. Any use of the Program Materials without the express written permission of True to Intention is prohibited.

Refund Policy

The deposit is non-refundable. Regarding the balance, in the case that either Party, through extenuating circumstances, requires the termination of the Program agreement, it must be done so in writing. True to Intention will conduct a reconciliation of services provided versus monies paid. In the case of overpayment, a refund will be paid to MessagePreneur within 30 days. In the case of underpayment, a statement will be provided to MessagePreneur and monies will be due to True to Intention within 30 days of contract termination.

General Provisions

This contract shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Should any portion of this contract be found to be invalid or unlawful, the remainder of the contract shall continue to be enforceable to the full extent allowed by law.

Upholding Culture

The process of moving toward your goals, and rewriting your stories to do it more easily, can activate a lot of fears and show us areas where we are not living in alignment with our message/purpose or truest intentions. True to Intention’s entire team not only understands this but lives by the policy of going the extra mile to pick up the phone or answer an email when there is truly a need, as well as reaching out for support when it is needed.

And because this stress has “gotten the best of some of our clients in the past,” we do request that all of our clients give the True to Intention Team the same respect we give to all of our clients. Our team is composed of some of the most loving, genius souls around, and our clients are equally amazing, and our commitment is to maintain a culture of unconditional love, service, safety, and integrity. For a sample of how to communicate powerfully, CLICK HERE.

Thank you, in advance, for helping us maintain a culture of safety, integrity, service, and unconditional love with our team.

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