"Nobody Puts HER in a Corner." :)

A week ago, I turned 38.
Today, I completed the first “Write Yourself into a Better Story Challenge,” where I have witnessed courageous men and women begin to revise storylines that were sabotaging their sanity, their health, and their purpose.
Tomorrow, I launch my Mindful Messenger TV Show.
What do these 3 things have in common?
Well, the words in the subject line of this email, of course: “Nobody puts HER in a corner.”
The day I turned 38, I somehow managed to convince the two amazing men in my life–I think it was the promise of ice cream–to watch an old favorite movie with me. And when we got to the end of “Dirty Dancing,” my heart did what it has always done at the sound of those words. It almost burst out of my chest. Why? Well…
During the second week of the “Write Yourself into a Better Story Challenge,” I prompted the participants to consider that they had stuffed away parts of themselves that felt dangerous [often, for very good reasons] and then I asked them to do the unimaginable–to say, “No one puts HER/HIM in a corner” and extend their hand and invite them to the dance floor to have the time of their lives.
Tomorrow, when The Mindful Messenger TV Show launches, it is the beginning of the dance that is only possible because “I stopped putting HER in the corner.”
Who is HER?
The toddler who stood on the side of a road, shaking her finger back up at a dad who was trying to keep a straight face while he “set her straight” on expectations for her behavior.
The five-year-old who knew that “Footloose” character Ren McCormack was a hero for challenging a community based in fear…with respect, persistence, their own words, and the opportunity to dance right outside the boundaries of their fear.
The little girl whose intuitive connection and brilliance made it easy for her to perform in school.
The teenager who knew that “the rules” were for people who couldn’t think for, or connect with The Wind, themselves.
The big sister who understood that a “Heavenly Father” would never withdraw love or connection from a child for a truly ignorant fall or a conscious choice to do something that feels good, even when it may not be in their highest good.
The young woman who, when her faith was challenged to its core, chose to dig her heart and heels into the truth she had witnessed.
The young fiancée, who followed her heart and married her soul mate, even when it meant upsetting the people she loved.
The young teacher, who designed lessons to help teens pay attention to the messages that were coming at them from all directions, ask questions, and choose their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
The young mother, who refused to vaccinate her child, who warned her loved ones of the “mama bear dangers” that awaited them if they called her son a “bad boy,” and who flipped the parenting paradigm and invited her son to teach her how to live again.
The young wife, who rejected the [well-intentioned, unconscious] advice of those who told her to leave.
The young performance enhancer, who helped a handicapped young woman see that a huge amount of her limitations were completely unreal–a product of her conditioning.
The young writing instructor and editor, who challenged her students’ and clients’ thinking and helped them write something more true.
The aspiring messenger, who witnessed her own value and dared to believe in the vision she was given…and attracted every resource she needed to start her journey.
The new entrepreneur, who said, “Ummm…I don’t want to sacrifice my sanity or my family. What if I do it this easier way?” And then did it.
The surprised transformational guide, who responded to The Wind’s prompting, “This is your real work, but you’re by the door and could walk away,” with, “Hell no. I refuse to leave hurting people who want support…unsupported.”
The student entrepreneur, who told her coach that she was going to walk away from the pre-approved, formulaic 90-day plan, despite all of his warnings…because her soul had whispered a new and better way. And proved her soul right.
The business partner, who refused to ignore a painful betrayal and spoke her ugly truth.
The author, who launched a bestseller campaign without having the book written.
The messenger, who when everyone told her she was on the cusp of having it all, walked away from her business because she knew she had more healing to do before she could hold that amount of influence with integrity.
The caregiver, who woke up to the trap that had been set for her, said goodbye with all the love in her heart, and moved her family to a place where they could find their health and balance again.
Writing this out made me laugh and ask, “Wow. Did I really have HER in a corner? Did I really stuff HER away?”
The answer is YES.
While I have been a smart-mouthed, rule-breaking, paradigm-flipping badass in some of my best moments…
I’ve also stuck HER in the corner in between those moments because, damn it, this girl has cost me quite a bit over the years…
Because of HER, I’ve experienced…
– people telling me to shut my mouth or else I will ruin everything
– adults refusing to allow their children to play with me
– loved ones withdrawing approval and affection
– betrayal and attack at the whims of those who felt their power challenged
– and more
But without HER, I lose access to my power,
my purpose, and my pleasure.
And you know what, upon deeper reflection, NONE OF THAT STUFF WAS HER FAULT.
It wasn’t her fault that truth exposed other people’s insecurities, lies, and shadows.
And it definitely wasn’t her fault that they behaved the way they did.
So, I’ve made a decision.
“No one puts HER in the corner…again.”
And tomorrow, as the Mindful Messenger TV Show launches, it’s important to HER that I tell you this:
The true intention of this TV show is to challenge the current paradigms in personal and professional development, and put an end to the mostly-unconscious dynamic that is undermining the “Empowerment Industry’s” true intention. I can no longer stand by and watch. It’s no longer enough for me to have this conversation with my messengers. This is why I am here–to uncover and share a MORE MINDFUL WAY that doesn’t encourage messengers to ignore their instincts, bypass their emotions, or use formulas that don’t feel good to them…but instead helps them reconnect with their truth, use their emotions as fuel, and create success on their soul’s terms. And I’m going to do it like my childhood hero did–with respect, persistence, their own words, and the opportunity to dance right outside the boundaries of fear.
I said it.
SHE’S out of the corner…for good.
And now it’s time to dance.
Will you join me?
I’m thinking we might have the time of our lives.
p.s. I actually would LOVE to hear whether you intend to join me and WHY. Email me back with your questions, comments, and snide remarks. I love sass when it’s wrapped in love. 🙂
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